Every Door Direct Mailing
The EDDM® program was developed by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) in order to simplify and streamline the process of bulk mailing, as well as lower the overall cost of running your direct mail campaigns. Creating a program that makes direct mail easier and more accessible has been a big plus for the USPS and all postal customers.
You get one. And you get one. And You Get One.

With EDDM®, you only pay for the carrier routes that you designate. Knowing that a significant portion of your customer base resides within five miles of your business makes it very easy to market by zip code or carrier route. By staying within a reasonable radius of your location, you can rest assured that you are reaching a strong audience of potential customers without purchasing mailing lists and without doing extensive research and data input.
The saying in business is, “location, location, location!” Something similar can be said of marketing. Essentially, the secret to successful marketing is think big (globally) but act locally. Focus your efforts, with dogged determination, on the people in your locality. Put your message in the hands of consumers who are nearby and most likely to patronize your business. And don’t forget, people have short memories and need to be reminded how great your business is.